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Go squirrel spotting

Go squirrel spotting

Go squirrel spotting at Mount Stewart, the National Trust's fine garden and estate in Newtownards, Co. Down to see one of our best-loved wild animals in its natural habitat.

Mount Stewart is one of the best places to see red squirrels in the wild, and contrary to popular belief, squirrels are just as active in winter as in summer and in fact easier to spot once the leaves are off the trees. So combine wildlife watching with a stroll through magnificent woodland and a visit to one of Ireland's finest gardens. The National Trust, which owns Mount Stewart, is monitoring red squirrel populations and you can do your bit to help by reporting sightings at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/mount-stewart/wildlife.

Of course, squirrels are often the gardener's worst enemy, stealing nuts and ravaging bird tables - but the endangered red squirrel is worth encouraging in as it needs all the help it can get to fend off competition from the ubiquitous grey squirrel.

The best thing you can do if you're lucky enough to have red squirrels visiting your garden is to plant squirrel-friendly trees and shrubs such as blackthorn, hawthorn, crabapples and guelder rose. All these provide them with long-term food and habitat, a real sanctuary for this hard-pressed but charming creature.