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Ireland's birdlife is under the spotlight again

Ireland's birdlife is under the spotlight again

Ireland's birdlife is under the spotlight again as the 15th BirdWatch Ireland survey begins this week. For the next 13 weeks members of the public are donning binoculars and stocking up bird feeders before setting off out into the garden to help gather hard facts on how our feathered friends are faring.

BirdWatch says it's expecting over 1000 people to participate this winter, and for the first time the survey is going online - just enter your data straight onto the BirdWatch website (www.birdwatchireland.ie) each week.

Since the survey began robins, blackbirds, bluetits and chaffinches have vied for top spot as the most numerous birds in our gardens - though song thrush populations are still struggling to recover after the icy winters of a few years ago.

Help your resident pest patrollers (bluetits can eat their own bodyweight in aphids daily) with generous supplies of bird food throughout this colder time of year. You'll find lots of great high-energy bird foods to get them through the winter here in our garden centre at Athlone, including fat balls, mealworms and sunflower seeds. While you're here, take a look at our bird feeding stations which also include bird baths for a much needed drink and wash on milder days.